Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today was perfect! Today had me feeling like I wanted 10 more babies...if I knew they would be just like Grant. Grant took 3 naps today (which isn't normal for him) and one of those naps was for a hour and a half straight. Since I never have more than a 20-35 minute break during his nap time, and only two of them in a day max, you would think that I would do something productive, but no. I made lemon bars....and then ate 9 of them! I know...sick! I just soaked in that uninterrupted time and just ate in peace =) But back to Grant, he didn't cry once all day. He is always a really good baby, but he does fuss, just not today, he was all smiles! Talk about melting your mommas heart! I LOVE that little boy of mine =)


Holly Moore said...

Yeay for Grant! And yeay for you starting a blog!

Holly Moore said...

Yeay for Grant! And yeay for you starting a blog!

mtanner said...

Hurray! I just love that puff of hair on top. I'm going to ask him to fix it like that when he's a teenager. Keep the posts coming!!

Kendyl said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Grant is sure a cutie!

The last Unicorn said...

I am so glad you started a blog. Now I can keep tabs on you :)
It's funny, blogs are the way I know what is going on even with the people I see at least once a week! See you Sunday!

RuSty and LaLa said...

Ok, I am way excited to see you have a blog. More importantly, I am excited that you ate 9 lemon bars and admitted it. That is totally something I would have done. Love ya tons!

Tiffany J said...

Hey I'm so glad you started a BLOG! Are you still in HB? I'm in FV! Let's get together sometime!!

Mia said...

reading this makes me want 10 babies!

trueblue said...

i love little g, except for i always want to call him tanner?